Sales and Marketing ON DEMAND.

Can you knit a scarf, windsurf, cook like a Masterchef and do it all blindfolded?
Well neither can we – nor do we claim to.

Here at Simplifi, we know that juggling the needs of your business in relation to having the right sales and marketing staff can be a hard one.

It is a massive investment to hire a full Sales and/or Marketing Team that will deliver what your business needs. Human capital is a big risk. Highly experienced people are expensive. Less experience may be harmful to the brand and business you’ve worked so hard to build. Turnover can be high, and the likelihood that you can find that ‘perfect person’ who will stay on-board for a while is a low.

Here’s where we can help… Sales and Marketing ON DEMAND


We use our sales and marketing expertise, and tap into other consultants if needed, to deliver your strategic sales and marketing responsibilities. With a group approach to tasks, we are in a position to better utilise each individual’s fortes and which improves the ultimate outcomes and ensures a constantly creative and changing approach to often mundane or repetitious activities.


Work is undertaken and delivered both onsite and virtually. No need to have dedicated office space for us! We will discuss and agree on the most appropriate delivery approach with you. What’s more, you and your existing staff can take on as many, or as few, tasks as you like. This gives you full control over your sales and marketing spend.


This is not about creating pretty documents and throwing around buzz words. At Simplifi, we are about actions. Each strategy piece comes with a detailed action plan, and the tools to bring the strategy to life for your team. We create opportunities to increase the skills of your existing team, and motivating them to work smarter and increase their results. That makes you a pretty great boss!

Explore below to see the areas that we can help you with through our Sales and Marketing ON DEMAND.

Business Development Management

Sales is hard. We can make it easier.

What we can help with:

Understand the motivators of your sales team, and the impact of a good sales process that will enhance the performance of your team.  Learn from our seasoned professionals and utilise our suite of tools to develop a sales process that is specifically tailored to your business, market and customers, that will work for your sales team.

If the Sales Process is the skeleton of your Sales Team’s success, the Customer Relationship Management Tool is the nervous system. Integral to a great Sales Process is great communication, opportunity and task management. Finding the right tool that will be embraced by your Sales Team is critical. Our experienced team can work with you to identify a CRM solution that will work for your business.

The benefits of your Customer Relationship Management system are directly related to the quality of the information that goes into it. Poor implementation will undermine this success and create an adverse reaction from your team. Our experienced team can help project manage the development and implementation of your new CRM tool, and help your Sales Team through the change process.

Utilise our experienced sales & marketing professionals and our suite of products to help identify purposeful leads, and manage these leads through your sales pipeline.

Responding to a tender is a big deal. A tender process will often take the relationships your company has with the customer out of the equation. How your response is prepared can rule your business out before anyone sees the value your business can provide. Our experienced team can work with your business to guide your team through a tailored process of responding to large tenders. Coordinating the business case to evaluate the decision to tender, and then project manage the response material to produce the full response document and required appendices, including the contract implementation plan.

Whilst each opportunity is unique, most businesses can benefit from a suite of template proposal responses that can be tailored to specific opportunities. By bringing together components that may be mixed and matched, combining your business’ branding, operational capability and compliance requirements into sections that can then be reproduced to match the opportunity value drivers, your team can develop proposals that are considered and tailored, quickly and professionally.

Streamlining the quotation process is integral to reducing the administration time of any sales team. Whether it’s a template that is filled in manually, or extracted from your business’ CRM tool, your business’ quotation template should be quick, simple and reduce the potential for “user error”.

Sales Operations Management

Understand your business.

What we can help with:

The key to understand your business’ growth potential, is to know the market within which your business operates. We can work with your team to collate their knowledge about your market segment. We consider technology, environmental factors, social impacts and attitudes, government policy, and other factors; and how your business relates, affects and reacts to such factors.

Utilise the powerful information of the Market Segment Mapping to better understand your customers, potential customers and competitors. Understand the power players in your market segment, and how your business impacts the segment. From your customers’ perspective, what is your product? What are the decision-making processes, who is involved? What are the methods we communicate with them? Are there geographical considerations? How price sensitive are they?

Knowing your customers and potential customers aids your team in identifying what your customers value and how they behave during your sales process. This includes characteristics such as value drivers, information processing and lead source. Understand why your customers value your service over that of your competitors, and use that information to build barriers to your competitors. For potential customers, group likeminded decision-makers and use this information to attract new business.

Once your business has identified various customer profiles, we can develop opportunity strategies to aid in the identification of the buying behaviours of these profiles, and develop a modified sales process targeting the stereotypical behaviours of the profile. Your sales team can learn from the success or otherwise of other customers and targets, using this for future opportunities. This can increase your pipeline success rate, whilst simultaneously decreasing the effort, and therefore decrease the cost of sales to your business.

The quantitative information contained in any business’ accounting system, when in the hands of an experienced sales data analyst, can be eye-opening. Many businesses use information such as revenue or volume as a key metric for measuring the success of their sales people, but the information available doesn’t end there. Using past records to understand and predict the future can help set priorities and strategies for the future. Using customer-specific or product specific data can highlight opportunities for profit growth within your existing business.

Reporting trends on different levels (such as business, product and/or customer levels) for both your business managers and sales teams, can promote activities that maximise profitability, or help to stave off negative trends. When overlaid with qualitative factors, strategies can be developed and/or ratified.

Our experienced team can walk your business through the development of a new product implementation. From building the business case, to developing the implementation plan, execution of such plan, and review of the process.

Business Performance Analysis

Knowledge is power. Unleash the power within.

What we can help with:

To understand your business is to understand your costs. This is something that Corporate can learn more from Small Business, than vice versa, however we have the tools to help you easily extract the information required to gain relevant costings on a detailed level.

Knowing what to charge is one of the hottest topics in any business. There is no right answer. You don’t want to set the price too high, but you also don’t want to “leave money on the table”. This is often referred to as the “Price versus Volume trade-off”. It is useful to have multiple different pricing strategies (for example a “wholesale price” and a “retail price”). We can work with your business to develop a number of pricing options to enable the most appropriate pricing strategy for your Customer Profiles. A good pricing strategy will motivate and empower your high performing sales people to develop profitable business while minimising lost volume.

Whether your business is a publicly listed multinational or a sole trader, every business struggles with the challenge of creating relevant budgets. Things change, business is uncertain, there are so many variables of what could happen! If we write down some numbers we’re then committing to reach that, so let’s commit to what we are confident of achieving. The team at Simplifi have been through the budgeting process from nearly every angle, and can work with you to develop a process that provides what your business needs from its budgets.

With the on-going trend for businesses to get leaner, forecasting costs such as stock levels, purchases, maintenance tasks, etc are becoming more and more important. Which can then be blown out of the water by a large sale (or even a spike in the number of small sales). To allow for the operations part of the business to be agile and cost effective, they rely on a good forecast from their Sales Team. Similar to budgeting, decisions are made from the information gathered as part of any forecasting process, and therefore there is hesitation from Sales to provide information that is not able to be committed to. And like any business tool, the information is only as good as what is inputted, and how it is used. At Simplifi, we have experience across various stakeholder roles, and can work with your team to develop a forecasting process that will help these conversations.

We have the tools and some tips of the trade to develop an effective Capital Expenditure (CapEx) Evaluation Tool, and the processes around building the business case to enable good decision-making. The financial metrics within this tool will make it clear to any investor or bank the return your capital expenditure will generate.

Business Process Improvement Coordination

There are only two certainties in business… taxes and change. We can’t help with your taxes.

What we can help with:

Developed specifically to the requirements of your business, we work with your team to create a fully developed Business Plan, with tailored variations to aid in communication across all team members. A one-page Business Plan can be a really powerful tool to engage the whole team, whilst a more detailed plan helps in strategy development.

Working with your team to communicate your Business Plan, creating strategies and goals, Key Performance Indicators to keep your team on track, and the tools to report and communicate the progress towards your team’s goals.

If you’re not fully across how a new enquiry is managed, and progressed, don’t worry, you’re not alone. While you want tasks performed by the right people, the more steps in a process, the more chance for errors and delays. Both of which cost money. We can build a full map your business’ processes from enquiry through to payment. This can highlight the effectiveness of each stage, as well as the links between stages, and from there inefficiencies and risks can be identified, managed and removed from your business. This process will reduce the cost of administration, bureaucracy and frustrations for your team, and your customers.

Projects can take your team out of their “day job”. Utilise our experience to develop and implement your special projects, working with your team as experts as required to ensure the projects’ success.

Our team can help identify key changes, then help you map out and manage this change in your business.

Digital Marketing Management

So much of our world is online. Are you in control?

What we can help with:

A company website is the first impressions of a business. Your website is a direct reflection of your company’s brand and ambition. The purpose of a website is different across market segments, but the importance of it in a decision-making process is not. It is used by both customers and suppliers alike, and should be the crown jewel in your marketing strategy.

Social Media Planning and Management (incl Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, etc)

Content is king in the online world. We help create the best strategy for you to manage content and communicate your brand’s story online and offline. We can help keep an eye on topical content to help guide your communication plan and work with your ideas moving forward.

Using your website, and its users, to further understand your customer and see how they engage in your message can be a powerful tool. We help analyse the most relevant website data and provide insights and recommendations so that you can better understand your customers and how they behave.

Use email marketing to directly reach existing and potential customers. Having a strong and clean email communication list and planned strategy is still one of the most powerful methods of reaching customers in an affordable and relevant way. You retain the control with email marketing, rather than relying solely on social media’s constantly changing restrictions and effective reach. We can help manage straightforward email communications through to fully automated marketing campaigns.

When it comes to SEO, we’re real believers in the importance of high quality content on a user-friendly interface, that properly reflects your brand and what you believe in. Our team can help with base-level SEO set-up and integration into your site and we’ll always help you focus on the content and high value links to and from other relevant websites. If you’re chasing a guaranteed ‘top 3’ google rank for your site – we’d need to help put you in touch with someone else who can work on that with you.

Marketing Strategy Management

Create a powerful marketing plan to drive your business.

What we can help with:

We’re experts at strategy development and truly believe that a powerful and manageable marketing plan can help turnaround any business. We help you to look at the big picture, focus on the strong points of your business, and help you come up with ways to increase your business success. During the process, we’ll guide you through all key aspects of marketing to ensure nothing major is missed. An action-oriented marketing plan can then be put into practice and adapted over time based on success.

This is more than just your logo! Good brand management helps you manage how your business is perceived in the market and what you promise your customers. We can help you define your brand, identify the core value of your brand and coordinate the best strategies to reflect this among your target market. This will help you stand out from your competitors. Our team can coordinate structured brand guidelines and templates to use throughout your business to create an immediately consistent image. The people behind your brand are critical to your success and we can guide you on how to best integrate them into the branding strategies.

Ad-hoc flyers and posters may be enough to start with, however a well thought out range of marketing materials can ensure you are ready to go to market in a professional way that is consistent with your brand. We can guide you on the best mix of marketing materials to support specific projects, products or your entire business. Having a fluid approach and clear strategy to print materials and understanding how they will work with your brand as well as other promotional materials, posters, adverts and online messages can save you time and money!

Depending on the size and stage of your business, the purpose and amount of advertising spend can vary greatly. We enjoy working with our clients to devise the best advertising solutions often covering a mix of mediums: local and national print media, industry-specific media, online and even outdoor. Advertising sales people can be real sharks, so we try to cut through the hype and help identify your goals, create ads with a strong call-to-action, and help select options that will deliver you the best ROI.

Events or exhibitions are often one of the best ways to get in front of your target market and talk to potential customers. At Simplifi, we ensure your brand is ready to go on show. Our team can prepare a simple information session, a trade booth, an awards ceremony, or an entire week-long corporate conference. We can get as involved as you like with event management and marketing, always ensuring a seamless experience for you and those attending the event.


Chat to Silvi in Adelaide | 0422 998 323

Chat to Sally in Perth | 0487 107 214