A digitalOHS system that simplifies a business owner’s day and ensures compliance – just in time…
When Effective Hazard Management takes a seat next to Simplifi, there are instant sparks (good thing one of them has put the appropriate controls in place)! One business is about streamlined processes, uncovering the story behind the actions, and solving problems caused by and for customers. The other is a Marketing company, helping tradies to decrease administration and win more work.
The brainchild: digitalOHS – Simple, Effective OHS Systems.
There are many myths and negative connotations about OHS in the workplace. Legislation can be confusing. It’s often complicated and ambiguous, and some people think it’s more successful at keeping lawyers and politicians busy than workers safe. Sometimes the users of convoluted Occupational Health and Safety Policies, Processes and Systems “Tick and Flick” their way through the required forms, rather than the forms helping to prepare for the tasks at hand. These are often the people who believe accidents happen to other people. These are some of the myths that the digitalOHS team are looking to smash.
“If, as a business owner or manager, you know what hazards your business is exposed to, then you can make sound decisions about how this work needs to be managed.” says Jackie Campbell, Principal Consultant with Effective Hazard Management and OHS Consultant with digitalOHS. “A cumbersome system that is not fully implemented, or parts of a system aimed to be “Compliant” and tick some of the boxes, can be worse than not having anything at all. You could be doing the Coroner’s job for them.”
By having an OHS System that is specifically tailored to the activities of your business, processes can be designed to fit in with those activities. Imagine if your health and safety system helped your team with hazard identification and risk control . It actually helped the team be mindful on the job, and the legislative compliance component simply fell out the back end.
Incorporate your OHS System into your Job Management System with ServiceM8
The Simplifi team discovered ServiceM8 a couple of years ago and loved it instantly for it’s practical (but thorough) approach to managing a Trade Business. Amongst its many features the Forms provide amazing flexibility and almost endless opportunity. “To enable workers to do their job, the stuff they’re good at, and take some of those tasks and checklists, and complete a report that looks awesome for the customer plus provides great information is something that Simplifi loves to bring to our clients” explains Silvi Crawford, Chief Marketer from Simplifi and Digital Specialist at digitalOHS. “To bring that same action-based direction to their health and safety system means owners of trade businesses can empower their staff with more responsibility and knowledge without bogging them down in paperwork”.
Sally Sims, Sales Manager for both Simplifi and digitalOHS adds “State and local government agencies are focussing on ways to support small, local businesses through the current economic times. The digitalOHS system supports this initative, allowing existing procurement policies to be adhered to, without significant up-front cost for the local business.”
digitalOHS – Simple, Effective OHS Systems is the answer. “That’s a win for everyone!” she says.
digitalOHS is perfect for small to medium sized trade businesses who conduct business at their customer’s location. To find out more