When you think of “email marketing”, I bet you think of the copious amounts of spam you received that never gets opened. It’s the reason you don’t enter competitions. Or maybe you even have a secondary email account to deal with it all!!
Email is the one component of digital marketing where you have control over who sees your business, and how often. With email, you know it will at least get to your audience’s inbox. The next part of the trick is to create emails that your customers want to open!
More than Newsletters.
Email Marketing isn’t just limited to those tired old newsletters that never get opened! With some of the recent and not so recent developments, it is simple to use email as part of your customer service processes. Personalising your customer service doesn’t have to be labour intensive. With only a couple of small tweaks to what you do now, you can change an email strategy from “set and forget” unpersonalised spam, into “create and facilitate” friendly and welcoming communication between you and your customers!
Send a personalised thank you a few days after a new customer’s first purchase. You can send booking reminders and birthday wishes. Follow up with customers who start a purchase and don’t follow through. Create interest by offering specials on products that relate to previous purchases.
Imagine being able to thank Susie for her purchase of the ride-on lawn mower a couple of weeks after the purchase. Then, 6 months later send her an offer of a blade sharpening tool and at the 12 month mark, a birthday card for the lawnmower! Now image all that it took a couple of mouse clicks at the time of sale.