I’m South Australian – and proud. Why not join in and use the effective and strong Brand South Australia? There are some great brand-building reasons for highlighting your business’ local focus.
The SA Brand has been around for a few years now, and I’m noticing more frequent use of the logo. Have you?
If you run a small business and want to strengthen your position as a locally-focused business, then consider jumping on board too.
Using the Brand South Australia logo
The Brand South Australia website outlines a few restrictions on the use of the logo and you first have to apply in order to gain permission to use the logo. It’s easy to register, and you just need to be able to show that you are truly South Australian.
As the Brand SA website states, you need to be based (or have headquarters) in South Australia. Alternatively more than 30% of your business is in SA, or
more than half of what you use in your products/services come from SA. If you can’t meet those points, then you need to demonstrate a strong relationship with the State.
The recognition of Brand South Australia is slowly growing and will only be further boosted by more use.
As other initiatives (such as Buy SA) have been phased out, or lose traction, this new brand and logo seems the best way to highlight your South Australian focus.