Imagine you’ve just received a call from a Real Estate Agent with an emergency. One of their tenants has just had a pipe burst. It’s OK, no one was hurt! The place is flooding, though. Your plumbing business has been requested to go to the house, stop the water and assess the damage. The tenant has advised the leak was caused by old pipework.
It’s an Emergency! We need help!
While you’re on the phone, you check the location of your team and see that your team member, Billie, is finishing up a job 5 minutes away. You ask the agent to send a Work Order with the tenant’s details, and you’d arrange someone to be their shortly. The Work Order arrives by email by the time you end the call.
You email the Work Order to your scheduling system and schedule the job to Billie as Urgent. The system sends notification Billie, who calls immediately to get more detail. It also sends notification to the tenant. Relieved to know their ordeal is nearly over, the tenant eagerly tracks Billie’s arrival.
Job Management in Real Time!
Billie arrives at the job, completes their prestart risk assessment on the way in, and turns off the mains. They take photos of the affected pipe and some of the damage that it caused. The tenant greeted Billie, as they had been watching the arrival.
The Agent calls you back to check you have the Work Order. Not only do you have the work order, but photos taken by Billie showing the pipe damage, and what looks like impact marks on the wall behind. You advise that your preliminary assessment would suggest that the damage is likely to be isolated to the single section of pipe. The tradesperson has the parts and is likely to be able to complete the work under the existing Work Order.
Billie completes the job, taking additional photos, notes the additional parts used and moves on to the next job.You receive a notification that your team member has checked out. You review Billie’s work, send the Job Report, including all of the photos, together with the invoice to the Agent. With two additional clicks, you send the invoice to your Accounting Package to await payment.
Tell em they’re dreaming! ServiceM8 to the rescue!!
Sounds like a dream? It isn’t. It is the reality of many plumbers already using ServiceM8 Job Management Software. Maybe the reaction time of the Real Estate Agent is a dream, but the rest of it is real.
Simplifi, as a ServiceM8 Certified Partner, can help streamline your service business’ workflow. Using ServiceM8 as the core to your entire business administration including accounting, customer service, marketing, safety management, and much more, those late nights after a hard day’s work will be a thing of the past!